
Thomas Roney

Photo of Thomas Roney
Thomas Roney, LLC Address 3333 Lee Parkway Suite 600 Dallas TX 75219 United States Phone: 214 665 9458 Fax: 214 975 1245 Website:

Economic Expert Witness

Thomas Roney, LLC is an economic consulting firm specializing in economic damages calculation and economic expert witness testimony for attorneys throughout the country. We help you be more effective with your case by providing timely and accurate assessments for upcoming litigation and settlements. We always serve you and your clients in a professional and cost-effective manner.


Areas of concentration include:

  • Personal-injury and wrongful-death damages.
  • Medical malpractice damages, including valuations of care costs and life-care plans.
  • Damages in employment matters, including wrongful termination and Fair Labor Standards.
  • Employment discrimination and the statistical determination of liability.
  • Intellectual property and patent Infringement damages.
  • Commercial damages, business interruption and lost profits.
  • Unfair competition, breach of contract, anti-trust.
  • Business valuations
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3333 Lee Parkway Suite 600 Dallas TX 75219 United States