Showing 1–15 of 26 results
Vol 4, Issue 2 (9)
Vol 4, Issue 3 (9)
A double counting problem in estimating lost future earning capacity.
$25.00v4i2: pp. 73-79 Martin D Bierne; Sigmund A Horvitz; James E McNerney; Personal Injury and wrongful death| Fringe Benefits 1994
A survey of the structure and duration of time periods for lost earnings calculations
$25.00v4i2: pp. 39-50 James E Ciecka Personal Injury and wrongful death| Fringe Benefits 1994
Comment: Valuation of vested pension benefits
$25.00v4i1: pp. 83-85 Robert R Trout Personal Injury and wrongful death| Fringe Benefits 1994
Determining an optimal rule for lost income compensation
$25.00v4i3: pp. 63-72 John Wald Personal Injury and wrongful death| Fringe Benefits 1994
Establishing upper and lower limits for settlement negotiations in Rule 10b-5 class action litigation.
$25.00v4i3: pp. 1-11 Paul Grier Misc-Not classified 1994
Estimates of earnings growth rates based on earnings profiles
$25.00v4i2: pp. 1-17 Roy F Gilbert Personal Injury and wrongful death| Earnings Growth 1994
Expert witness services: Selection criteria and pitfalls
$25.00v4i1: pp. 61-74 Wayne Bremser; Edward J Mathis Misc-Not classified 1994
Income taxes and economic damages
$25.00v4i2: pp. 51-63 Brian C Brush; Breeden Charles H Personal Injury and wrongful death| Taxes 1994
Is there an advantage in using time-series to forecast lost earnings?
$25.00v4i3: pp. 43-53 George A Schieren Employment 1994
Loss of business profits, risk, and the appropriate discount rate
$25.00v4i3: pp. 27-42 James E Meyer; Patrick Fitzgerald; Mostafa Moini; Business Valuation and Lost Profits 1994
Methodological issues: Interest rate and wage growth forecasting
$25.00v4i3: pp. 55-61 Frank Lawlis; Robert Male Personal Injury and wrongful death| Interest (Discount) Rates & PV 1994
On using minimum-cost portfolios to determine present value
$25.00v4i1: pp. 47-59 George A Schieren Misc-Not classified 1994