Showing 1–15 of 25 results
Vol 3, Issue 2 (10)
Vol 3, Issue 3 (7)
A corrective note on the role of a defense economist in personal injury / wrongful death litigation
$25.00v3i2: pp. 95-96 Thomas R Ireland Personal Injury and wrongful death| Fringe Benefits 1993
Applications of logic analysis in civil litigation
$25.00v3i1: pp. 33-52 Robert R Trout; C B Foster; G M McCollister; Misc-Not classified 1993
Economic damage analysis in Rule 10b-5 securities litigations
$25.00v3i1: pp. 71-88 Richard W Simmons; Richard C Hoyt Business Valuation and Lost Profits 1993
Employment litigation: Taxation and damage awards
$25.00v3i1: pp. 65-70 Tyler J T Bowles; Chris Muirhead Personal Injury and wrongful death| Taxes 1993
Estimating economic loss for a facially disfigured minor: A case study.
$25.00v3i2: pp. 1- 10 L E Johnson; Robert D Ley; Paul T Benshoof; Personal Injury and wrongful death| Medical Costs 1993
Factors used to determine marketability, illiquidity, and minority interest discounts in the valuation of closely held corporations: An analysis of Federal Tax Court decisions.
$25.00v3i3: pp. 87-100 Neil F Riley; Thomas C Stanton Taxes 1993
Four economic issues in pension valuations
$25.00v3i2: pp.61-68 Phillip H Allman Fringe Benefits 1993
Hedonic damages in wrongful death/survival actions: Equitable compensation or optimal life protection
$25.00v3i3: pp. 43-56 Thomas R Ireland; James D Rodgers Personal Injury and wrongful death| Hedonic Damages 1993
Legal and statistical approaches to analyzing allegations of employment discrimination
$25.00v3i1: pp. 1-14 Michael J Piette; Douglas G Sauer Employment 1993
Measuring damages resulting from lost functionality of systems
$25.00v3i2: pp.11-24 Patrick Gaughan, Paul Lerman, Donald Manley Business Valuation 1993
Measuring earnings growth in the U S
$25.00v3i3: pp. 11-22 David M Nelson; Robert T Patton Personal Injury and wrongful death| Earnings Growth 1993
Measuring household production: Methodological considerations and current practice
$25.00v3i1: pp. 15-32 Charles C Fischer Personal Injury and wrongful death| Household Services 1993